Friday, September 19, 2008

My Point Made Through the Ignorance of a Response

Please, I beg you please read the comment posted to the blog about AIG and how it has crapped the bed. Yet another mental midget within the AIG "BRAIN TRUST". More like brainless trust has made a completely idiotic statement. At last you can see what I am talking about for yourselves.

Psychology is a beautiful science because it takes a good look at what is going on inside the brain when we make or decisions as human beings.

Our wonderful mystery guest copied and pasted a news wire synopsis of what AIG is currently going through. I really do appreciate that, but I believe that some lower level employee on the corporate food chain wrote/sent this. It looks like they think that AIG can explain away it's incompetent managerial and executive team's shortcomings.

Here is the million dollar question....why aren't the real powerhouse insurance companies experiencing the same cancer that AIG is? New York Life, MET LIFE, John Hancock et. al.? Please don't try to insult my intelligence and say that you are getting to big. That's not what you tell your loyal employees. It's the old, we've had a good year, but not quite good enough. Perhaps you are still trying to dig yourselves out of previous holes you've been in (please see Wall St. Journal Archives). AIG could have it's own episode of Judge Judy with the crap they've been involved with in the not so distant past.

Perhaps it is because the real insurance companies run their businesses in a respectful manner. Instead of looking for the quick buck, they actually care about their policy and share holders.

On any given day in the current market, "REAL" Insurance Companies have enough market and reserve capitalization to cover all of the face values of their "in effect insurance policies". Apparently, AIG decided it would stick their collective toes into a highly speculative, high risk mortgage lending product. That's fine, you gambled with other people's money and lost really really badly. Now that the US Gov't has bailed out AIG with $85 billion dollars worth of taxpayers money, how does AIG expect the public to forgive them for SCREWING up so damned badly?

Oh....and by the way, the interest rate on the $85 billion loan, if I am not mistaken, is in excess of 11%. If the government thinks you are a collective bunch of fuck ups based on that interest rate, why shouldn't the public.

Oh, by the way, the poster of the comment did not speak as to why the SR. VP of Investment Investment Advisory Services did not proof read their own figures. No big picture, no short term picture, just sell. I wish AIG were a really bad joke, but unfortunately, they are real. What a shame.

P.S. If AIG is OK, why were there massive lines in Southeast Asia looking to cash in their policies.

Ahhhhh........the beauty of once bitten, twice shy.

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