Friday, September 26, 2008

I promise, my last fiancial post.......

There are two comments out there one on the latest post, I spy, and Oh by the way. I am quite sure these morons work for AIG. How can I tell???? First off, they did not proof read their comments. Their should be an apostrophe in Mutual's, but alas there is not. Just another point as to how incompetent their staff is. Oh, and with regard to the I have AIG envy. I was not going to even qualify that remark, but the idiot must have wrote this response thinking that the bailout plan was going to be a slam dunk on Thursday.

The only thing I have is a hate for idiots. Salesmen should never be in charge of a major corporation unless they have more than enough business acumen to fill a thimble.

With regard to my employer, the funny thing is that they are currently at an all time high with regard to sales thanks to the Laurel and Hardy show that is now airing on Wall St. So as usual, I appreciate your concern for my well being, but I am doing quite well. While all of the (CE Blows) on the street are going to see that their collective golden parachutes are going to be missing a few important strings, perhaps they can watch Bear Grylls and figure out a way to land safely. If they need a reference, maybe they should consult Latrell Spreewell. He couldn't seem to find a way to get by on $6 million a year.

Oh, if you are going to post a comment to my blog in the future, could you please mix in an owner's manual and post to the correct story that you have something to say about. I feel as though I am cleaning up after my three year old kid. At least I love my kid and don't care about the mess they make. It isn't going to cost the U.S. taxpayers $700 Billion.

Ahhhh....the beauty of being right.


Anonymous said...

Actually I do not work at AIG, I have posted here before and you had called me names, why would I post my blog name, you would probably send me hate email. Besides, you can correct my grammer all you would like, this is a blog dumbass not a thesis. Get a life for real. The whole nation has a crisis going on but it seems you pick AIG as your "parachute" to talk about on a sports blog. Seems pretty lame... And what is the AHH the beauty of being right? You proved nothing... You can bash a company all you would like. My thought as I work on the east coast where AIG is based the they will survive and the terms of their bailout will be paid back within two years. I agree their executives did get greedy with regards to their loans but would you really blame the whole company for the acts of a couple? Again you have envy for this company and when they get back on track you will have nothing to talk about. And yes you may want to cancel your blog as it promotes seemingly your favortite company AIG all over it. Pathetic....

Anonymous said...

I promise, my last fiancial post.......

Check the spelling idiot.... You got to love a person that makes fun of other peoples grammer, and yet cannot proofread their own... Pitty you are so stupid, I take it this will never make the blog as you have to approve it.... Talk sports, that is why I came here. Where is the headline for USC losing, what about the mets, and the story that the Yanks are out. Cmon get with it...